Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Singapore Pledge for Wedded Couples.

Linked from Mr Brown's blog entry, Julia got an invitation package from Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS), because they were married with no kids.

Excerpts of the letter:

Dear Mr & Mrs XXX
We hope this letter finds you both in good health and marital bliss.
Every marriage faces challenges at one time or another. Equipped with family life skills, couples will be in a better position to face and resolve challenges along the way, build stronger marital ties and enjoy ever-flowing stream of marital bliss.
In this regard, we are most pleased to enclose an exciting menu of family life programmes. These include topics such as family life, balancing work and family, and planning and preparing for the next beautiful milestone of your life, i.e. having babies......You may be pleased to know that couples attending such programmes have advised of their enormous benefits. We are also confident you will also enjoy and gain much from these programmes......
......If we receive your reply by 7 March 2005, you will receive a complimentary gift that will spice up your married life......

I think it is time that we should rewrite the Singapore pledge:

We, the wedded couples of Singapore,
Pledge ourselves as one baby making machine,
Regardless of position, fetishes or sexual preferences,
So as to achieve more tax breaks,incentives,
And better baby counts for our nation.