Sunday, February 20, 2005

Reigniting my alcoholic tendencies again....

On Friday, met up with the usual gang after a family dinner. Had wanted to salsa initially, but the thought of seeing KFC and friends in action with the girls they picked up last week (their most successful attempt so far, or should I say only successful attempt?) was too much of a tempation. Not after hearing KFC's adventures in the HDB lift.

So there I was, at Mdm Wong's ... slightly tipsy after consuming 6 full glasses of wine at the family dinner, 3 mugs of beer at Soundbar, before heading off to meet KFC. Within a space of 2 years, since I last stepped in, it has morphed to an Ah Beng hangout. Urgh. Well, only redeeming factor is that they do not play techno and trance.

Of course, I got introduced to the group of gals. And I was pleasantly surprised:

1. They speak Engrriiiiish! Not the cheena kind of English, but proper English. Based on previous reports, I expected otherwise. Now I know that Ah lians could pronounce properly.

2. A few of them are professionals. Now I know smart Lians do exist.

3. They may not exactly be good looking, but at least they are not fugly, or fucking butt ugly. Now I know my friends were not exactly drunk when they made their move. Heh.

There was this particular girl that made quite an impression.

Txxx: Hi, my name is Txxx.
Me: I'm Axxxxx.
Txxxx: Are you catholic?
Me: (WTF....asking me this in a middle of a club??) Er...I'm a half fucked catholic. Have not attended mass for a few months already.

At which point, she proceeded to 'nag' at me to attend church..and grabbed me in a friendly way and telling me to be a good catholic. So here I am, half drunk, in a Beng environment, being grabbed by a Lian, told to be a good catholic. Not that I really mind being grabbed, but reminded to be a good catholic???????!!!!!!! ARGHHH... being the sarcastic me...wanted to tell her that that the gospel for those few months of absence is legs, and I wouldn't mind spreading the gospel there. Which of course, I did not. Despite everything about myself, I do have a reputation to maintain. *grin*. And hence the blog to bitch here to let off steam.

Anyway, I was not really interested in mixing with those group of girls (blame it on the age, having done that so long ago. And no, I am NOT gay), and ended chatting and drinking with Mr. Soccer pundit. Over a bottle of remy martin, mixed with coke. Which was quite a bad mistake, cause it made me puke. And I realised that over the past year and a half staying off alcohol, my alcohol tolerance level has dropped. By a lot. Which is good. I could only get half pissed after sharing a bottle of Chivas with my ex-drinking-buddy who got married and is now living in Canada.

I guess from now on, drinking would be lighter on my pockets.

To sum the night up it was fun; I got to see the guys and girls in action. Though the prey was actually the predator, luring guys to chat them up, and buy them drinks. The guys get a feel here and there, and the girls gets a free ride home in exchange.

It was like watching National Geographic, only better as you are closer to the action.

Heh. And I love watching National Geographic.