Friday, February 11, 2005

Celebrating Chinese New Year with the same Old Rituals.

As per our yearly habits.... we got up early to fry the 'nian gou' for breakfast ...rushed to get ready to visit our relatives. And as per my younger brother's annual Chinese New Year habits...he decided to wear a brand new pair of torn and tattered jeans topped up a worn out white shirt to visit. Coupled with two diamond ear studs, a diamond nose stud and blonde hair, which of course, created a big din with mum. ( I mean, who wants to have a son that looks like a poor out-of-job lesbian beng?)

Mum: Please go and wear something more decent and appropriate for Chinese New Year.
Bro: Why? This is looks decent. This is designer jeans bought from Topman. I got it at half price for $50.
Mum: This is disgraceful. You like you are so poor that you do not have money to buy new clothes. If you don't change and take out that nose stud of yours, don't go visiting with me.
Bro: (raising his voice) Fine.

He tried taking out the diamond nose stud ....and whined out in pain. Geez. I didn't know he's so wimpy, with his tough exterior beng looks. And in total defiance, he changed his torn and tattered jeans to a crumpled looking bermudas and wore slippers. Which of course, infuriated my mum further. It must be karma. Mum must have been a really bad ass criminal in her previous life to deserve this. What a cock up new year to begin with.

To cut the story short, he ended up visiting relatives (he needed the ang pows) which invited a lot of comments about his attire. Which made him unhappy. And in a fit of anger and stubbornness (he kept his cool externally) he decided to leave halfway and visit his other friends. Sighs. It would be interesting though, to see what he will come up with next. Last year he wore an almost all black outfit to visit our traditional relatives.

On a lighter note, I had a small gathering of friends over at my place for takeaway pizza, drinks and a gambling session. Poker,blackjack and soccer betting. Mr. Tripleperiod introduced me to the wonderful and covert world of soccer betting. And all his theories about soccer betting.

Gambling with a business IT consultant, an ex-auditor/entreprenuer, and finance analyst, and a civil engineer cum soccer pundit has it's quirks.

Me: We don't have enough coins to go round.
IT consultant: That's easy. Just use chips.
Me: I don't have gambling chips either.
IT consultant: That's easy. Just take some paper and cut it up, put some value to it, and use it as chips. (Now I know why he's a business IT consultant. They just give simple practical solutions that clients cannot even fathom)

Naturally, the auditor would be in charge of the exchange of money to chips. And the soccer pundit, true to his nature, gambled 5 times the amount compared to others, while simulatenously keeping watch on the live soccer bets on the internet. And calculating how much he could afford to gamble based on his winnings/losings on soccer. My friends never cease to amaze me.


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