Thursday, March 03, 2005

Mathematical Proof that Girls are Evil.

Got this joke off the Cowboy Bar. This mathematical equation is a classic.

Mathematical proof that Girls are Evil.

Now with all guys that have a girlfriend or wife, we can make a general assumption that for all species of the female sex (F), Time (T) and money($) are required for any major conquest or pacification.

As such we can infer the initial mathematical relation that:
Girls = Time x Money ------- (1)

Next we further exert the natural and common agreement that time is money,
Time = Money ------------------------ (2)

Therefore by combining Equation (1) and (2) we can derive that,
Girls = Time x Money = Money x Money = Money ^ 2

So we get equation 3,
Girls = Money ^ 2 --------- (3)

Further to this, we also know that Money is the root of all Evil, which generalizes evil, and from that we can write the identity:
Money = Evil ^ (1/2) ----------- (4)

Thus taking equation 3 and 4 and combining them, we get
Girls = Money ^ 2 = (Evil ^(1/2))^2 = Evil

Thus, by mathematical proof and the above proposition, we are forced to conclude that mathematically, Girls are Evil.